The Challenger Ventures Group resources

For your information, the following resources may be helpful in addressing some of your program solution needs. Please feel free to use this material or the resources provided below. We will welcome any question you may have as to how these aids may be applied in your specific situation.
If you have suggestions as to other resources that you feel may be valuable to others, pass your tips along for others to share.
Presentations, (Call for information)
Economic literacy for small and medium sized businesses
Non Profit Survival in Turbulent Times
White Papers, (Call for information)
CVG Summary of the COVID-19 Stimulus resources (PDF file)
Financial Literacy with the Challenger Ventures Group
Utility of the Future (PDF file)
12 Competencies for Success
Innovation and Technology Management
Marketing Systems drive the marketplace
The OPT-Customer
CVG tools set recommended for client projects
The following resources are recommended analytical and solution tools recommended by the Challenger Venture Group team for use in your venture development planning and implementation.
- ACT Contact Manager
- Constant Contact
- Cytoscape Network Planner
- Growth Wheel
- Live Plan
- Profit Mastery
- Quickbooks
- CVG Statistical programming library
On-line links
The following are a set of on-line reference resources and helpful links that you may find useful in exploring your strategic development opportunities. We welcome your inquiries about these and other useful program development tools
Recommended readings
Recommended reading from the works of Challenger Ventures Group library of our list of heros in their thoughtful work in strategic business development for growing businesses that you may find instructive in your personal research and professional development.
Wroe Alderson: A pioneer marketing authority who first introduced us to advanced marketing thinking and the concept of a system driven marketplace
Clayton Christianson: Dr. Christianson is a leading authority on the topic of technology management and innovation. His work will provide you with stimulation in your thinking
Peter Drucker: A world famous mentor for management in all management and marketing domains. Consult Dr. Drucker’s work for any serious challenge.
Michael Porter: Dr. Michael Porter has led the way in help modern business managers form coherent approaches to understanding their challenges and to develop strategic frameworks to deal with the dynamic marketplace.
The CVG Survey Says
The Challenger Ventures Group conducts periodic surveys on topics of interest to our clients and friends. Look to see what your peers have said in previous surveys and to provide us with your inputs and thoughts on our current project. (Survey instrument being updated )